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Christmas comes early to R.L. Angus School – 28 new iPads

Christmas comes early to R.L. Angus School – 28 new iPads

  Submitted by Thomas Gough, Grade 6 RL Angus student When we returned to school this fall, we were surprised to find 28 brand new iPads waiting to be used.…

The Canadian banking system isn’t immune to pressures that face global banking

With widespread political uncertainty, especially the turmoil throughout the European Union, many investors wonder how well their money is protected in the event their bank or brokerage fails. The Canadian…

Mostert is the Alberta Junior Men’s Champion

Mostert is the Alberta Junior Men’s Champion

Christopher Mostert won the Junior Men’s Figure Skating title for Alberta at the Skate Canada Provincial Competition for 2012/2013.  His skating partner, Taylor LeClaire, won the Novice Women’s title during…

Christmas Favorites

Christmas Favorites


December oil and gas lease sales over $30 million

The oil and gas lease sales announced for December 12th, 2012 show marked improvement over recent sales. $30,747,348 will go to the provincial government. There were 22 drilling licences sold,…

Police Beat – December 19th

Addressing the naked pugalist Problem residences…every community has a few, those houses that police attend on a regular basis, in some cases once or twice a week. These are houses…

To the citizens of the Northern Rockies

“Northern Rockies Regional Municipality (NRRM) wants to formally respond to a recent article organised by Damien Gillis in consult with Fort Nelson First Nation (FNFN) and published in ‘The Common…

Songs of Praise!

Songs of Praise!

Songs of praise, songs of joy echoed through the Phoenix Theatre on Sunday when the Ministerial Association’s Celebration of the Birth of Our Lord “Joy, Love, Hope, Wonder” was performed…

Conservative Government gives go ahead to sale of Nexen to CNOOC

Conservative Government gives go ahead to sale of Nexen to CNOOC

OTTAWA – The federal government approved Friday the takeovers of Calgary-based Nexen Inc.  and Progress Energy Resources Corporation  by Asian state-controlled firms. China’s CNOOC and Malaysia’s Petronas received the OK…

Spectra sends letter to Northern Rockies regarding environmental assessment of Cypress area development

Earlier this month, Spectra Energy submitted a project description to the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Office (BC EAO) for its proposed new natural gas transmission system from the Cypress area…